Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fathers Day

So today is Fathers day and once again Husband has been left to get up with the boys as I couldn't drag myself out of bed. I know he gets frustrated and angry but most of the time it's not really my fault, is it? I know there are times I use my condition to my advantage -or that is how I think, but in reality could I really do it different... who knows.
Anyway he is napping this afternoon after taking the boys to the park while I slept in, then he plans to take the boys for a bike ride.

It's been a hectic week, I had a session on Wednesday with my mental health nurse (MHN) and he was totally shocked to see where I was and how far down I'd gone in the past 6 weeks. We talked about Electric Shock Therapy (EST) for the depression, he felt it was a bit drastic - I've always thought it would help but none of my Drs have been willing to prescribe it for me. I'm back on to 2 tablets of Duloxatine a day, hopefully after a few weeks I'll be feeling more stable. That combined with the iron infusion and hopefully I will have more energy soon. I live in hope - some days it's all I have.

Boy3 had another speech session on Thursday and did extremely well - saying words he hasn't said in the past and really surprising me and his therapist. I now have the paperwork to apply for a communication device for him, fingers crossed Variety will accept the application and we get one soon for the boy.
To get to his appointment we have to travel 50kms to the nearest big city, most of the time this is a bad thing for the bank balance as I go by myself and have free reign to spend what I want. This week presented me with a desk that was marked down and I was so tempted to buy it but instead of rushing to the checkout with it I stopped and thought about it: do I need it, can I make do with what I have or go to the tipshop and get something cheaper, can we make something etc. I'm glad to say I didn't buy it, as I've been thinking a lot lately about my carbon footprint and trying to cut down on the things I buy. I doubt I will ever stop buying craft things but if I cut down in other areas it's a good compromise.

Last night I went out with a friend who is having some marital problems, we had an awesome time just having a big verbal spew about our respective partners, a couple of drinks and lots of laughs. At first I didn't want to go but once I started getting ready I got excited about going out. At the end of the month my friends Husband is going away so we are going to have a drunken fun night at her place ! It will be fun.

So that's a summary of what has been happening this past few days.

I'm going to share a quote I read the other day that often sums up how I feel  -
From the outside looking in, you can never understand it
From the inside looking out, you can never explain it.

I found this Gothic Fairy image years ago on the net and one day I will get a tattoo similar to it. I love the way she is sitting, hiding but with her wings extended like she is afraid but has hope that one day she will use her wings.

FA xx